Fodder albuminous mixture made on the basis of spirit draff

The mission of the company is the production of high-quality and low-cost feed additive and mixed fodder for agricultural animals, birds, fish and fur animals.

Fodder albuminous mixture made on the basis of spirit draff

It differs a high content of high-grade feed protein.


Production of feed for pigs and for poultry.

Input Norm in feed 4-6%.

For pigs:
  • the regulator of reproductive ability of sows during gestation;
  • stimulator milking lactating sows;
  • partial substitute milk feeds in the primary additional fertilizing piglets during habituation of young growth to consume nondairy feed.

The inclusion of this type of Fodder albuminous mixture in diets of pigs increases the average daily growth of piglets in the 8-17%. At the same time more than half of decreased morbidity and cases of metabolic disorders in fattened animals.

For poultry:
  • high egg production of laying hens;
  • increase the digestibility of cystine and methionine;
  • increase in live weight of broilers.

The cost of a ton of finished feed using a Fodder albuminous mixture made on the basis of spirit draff is lower than when using Yeast fodder.


The amino acids,
The value
of indicators
Arginine 1.34
Lysine 1.58
Leucine 2.14
Methionine + Cystine 1.44
Treonine 1.14
The name of parameters Limit rates Actual parameters
Mass fraction of a moisture,
% no more
13.0 8.2
Mass fraction of a crude protein
(in terms of absolutely dry substance),
% not less
35.0 46.0
Mass fraction of crude ash, % no more 5.0 3.5
Mass fraction of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid,%, no more 1.5 0.7
Mass fraction of crude fiber, % no more 12.0 7.0
The content of impurities metallomagnetic:
particle size up to 1 mm inclusive,
mg/kg, no more
25.0 3.0

Goods are shipped in polypropylene bags of 30-35 kg, big bags until 1000 kg, as well as paper bags of 30 kg, on pallets.

Storage life is 6 months from date of manufacture.

The product does not contain GMO

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